Temperature Changes

Created by AbuBakr ShalabiAbuBakrShalabi
My Science Skills Abu Bakr Shalabi

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1 / 20

What do you expect will happen to a ball if the boy puts the ball in a refrigerator? 

2 / 20

The temperature at which a solid turns into a liquid...

3 / 20

During thermal contraction, _____________. 

4 / 20

Which definition describes particles in a solid

5 / 20

The gas enclosed in a container exerts a pressure on the inner walls of the container.

What is the cause of the gas pressure? 

6 / 20

What changes occur when the ice cream melts from a solid to a liquid state?

7 / 20

As an object is cooled what is happening to the Thermal Energy?

8 / 20

How does heat flow?

9 / 20

How could you heat an object?

10 / 20

In an open system, ________________. 

11 / 20

Which statement best describes Charles's law? 

12 / 20

What happens to the molecules of a substance as it gets cooler?

13 / 20

Evaporation is _______________ . 

14 / 20

As the temperature of a sample goes up, the __________ energy of the particles in that sample is increasing

15 / 20

A perfume bottle is left outside on the floor on a hot day, the stopper pops out of the bottle.

What causes the stopper to pop out?

16 / 20

Some glass cups are stuck in each other. How could you separate the cups without losing any one of them? 

17 / 20

The temperature at which a liquid becomes a gas is called ______________________?

18 / 20

Which statement is TRUE about thermal energy?

19 / 20

What are three states of matter?

20 / 20

Which would BEST describe the process of drops forming on the outside of a water bottle?

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