Go to the Quizzes Page Earthquakes 0% 332 Created by AbuBakrShalabi Please write your name and email to receive your certificate. 1 / 20 Use elevators when there's an earthquake. True False 2 / 20 Engineers are designing a bridge that will better withstand earthquake forces. What is the process called when engineers use a computer to see what happens to their design during an earthquake? Variables Navigation Modeling Prediction 3 / 20 A water wave caused by an earthquake is called a __________________. tsunami seismic wave electromagnetic wave surfing wave 4 / 20 What does a seismograph measure? The amount of damage an earthquake causes. The amount of oil and gas underground. The amount of shaking of the crust. The temperature of the earth's core. 5 / 20 Why aren't all earthquakes recorded? Some are too weak to be felt Happen under the mantle Some happen too far underground Some happen too much far way from cities 6 / 20 _____________ is responsible for most of the damage buildings suffer during earthquakes. Mississippi River flowing backwards. Scientists equipment Liquefaction Seismogram 7 / 20 What event happens when there is a sudden, violent shaking of tectonic plates? Volcano Thunderstorm Earthquake Hurricane 8 / 20 These waves are the fastest seismic waves and are the first to reach any particular location. P Waves Surface Waves S Waves Hello Waves 9 / 20 What device is used to measure the intensity of an earthquake? Termometer Shakemeter Movemeter Seismometer 10 / 20 Select a method that reduces the damage of earthquakes. build your house without foundations to save money construct your house on loose sand close the doors and windows during an earthquake build earthquake- resistant house 11 / 20 In what order do the three types of seismic waves arrive at a seismograph? S wave, P wave, Surface wave P wave, S wave and Surface wave P wave, Surface wave and S wave Surface wave, P wave and S wave 12 / 20 When scientists map the location of earthquakes, where do they find that most earthquakes happen? Only near mountains and volcanos In the mantle At plate boundaries Middle of tectonic plates 13 / 20 Which scale measures the magnitude, or size, of an earthquake? Kelvin Richter Kilogram Candela 14 / 20 Which type of seismic waves cause the most damage? Surface Waves Hello Waves P Waves S Waves 15 / 20 What are the three types of stresses that occur in the crust? Convergent Compression Tension Shearing 16 / 20 What type of seismic wave is the slowest, but causes the most damage? P waves Thermohaline waves Surface waves S waves 17 / 20 Seismic waves are recorded and measure by a _________________ thermometers barometers anemometer seismograph 18 / 20 What theory refers to the movement of Earth's plates Earthquakes Plates shaking Tectonic plates Continental drifting 19 / 20 All of the following are reasons some buildings are damaged more than others during an earthquake EXCEPT.... How close the building was to the earthquake's epicenter. The design of the building. The people living inside of the building. What type of soil the building sat on. 20 / 20 What are seismic waves? The strength of an earthquake The point on the surface directly above the point at which an earthquake occurs The point beneath Earth’s surface at which rock under stress breaks and triggers an earthquake Energy released by an earthquake in waves or vibrations Your score is 0% Restart quiz Go to the Quizzes Page